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Fees and Rebates


Individual standard appointment Monday-Friday $220 Saturday $240

Couples appointment Monday-Friday $280 Saturday $300 ​

Low-Income Health Care Card/Tertiary Student standard appointment $160 (excluding Saturdays) 

Medicare rebates

A referral from your GP or Psychiatrist may allow you to claim a Medicare rebate of 93.35 for up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions. 

DVA payments

If you are a veteran who holds a DVA WHITE or GOLD card you may be entitled to 10 fully funded individual sessions with no financial cost to yourself. You will require a DVA referral from your GP or Psychiatrist to access this service. Some limitations apply to eligibility for White card holders.

Private Health Fund
Some private health funds cover psychological treatment. A receipt will be issued for you to submit to your insurer for reimbursement. A referral from a GP is not necessary but might help identify other health issues that may be impacting your mental health and wellbeing.

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